Tuesday 5 March 2013

PDP WILL WIN IMO IN 2015 -Eze Duruiheoma, Chairman, PDP, Imo

Shortly after the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, declared Okorocha the winner of the 2011 governorship election, PDP candidate, Ikedi Ohakim congratulated him. Why did you turn around to challenge his victory at the tribunal?

Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former Secretary-General of the United Nations once announced that he would not go for a second term but he later changed his mind and decided to contest again. When he was asked why he changed his mind, he answered: Only a fool cannot change his mind. That is only part of the point. The truth about it was that at that time, even the PDP joined in congratulating the governor.

And you will agree with me that that is a show of good faith and good faith should beget good faith. But when these things happened, the governor instead of reciprocating the good faith, the goodwill from us, took up an aggressive posture, took up a very hostile posture towards the PDP.

Is that why you went to court?
Of course we needed to let him know that it takes two to tango. If we did this to show you goodwill, you owe us something in return. But when you now proved to us that you didn’t owe us anything, we then went to court to remind him that there were irregularities during the election. So, on the one hand, that is what happened. But all that is history now.

Now that the election/court matters are done and dusted, what’s next for your party?
To settle down to play opposition politics in the state just like the governor has settled down to govern.

And you think you are a vibrant opposition to the ruling APGA?
Of course. Opposition politics calls for everything you can muster, it calls for creativeness, pro-activeness and alertness of the mind. It demands too much from you so that you are on top of every situation. I can tell you it has not been a pleasant experience.
What policies of this administration have you taken a stand on?
PDP as a party has been raising its voice against unpopular policies of the government through the media. When the government came up with the idea of relocating Imo State University to another place, the party raised its voice against the move.

We took up that matter, issued releases stating our stand. We also did the same to every other unpopular decisions of the this administration. For example, the opening of the road that causes regular congestion along Assumpta Avenue. PDP was the first group of people that condemned the decision. The opening of that road is the reason for the traffic congestion at Assumpta Avenue. Not many people noticed it before we did and so many other things.

On free education
We have repeatedly said it here that this administration is very long on promises but short in fulfillment. Take for example, the issue of free eduction. When this government came up with the idea of free education, they didn’t know what they were going into but now it is becoming obvious that they can’t achieve free education at the university level.

It is dishonesty to talk about free education at the primary and secondary school levels because, they have been always there. Free education at the primary school level has been there from the period of UBE and it has not changed. Free education at secondary school level has also been there. What may be new is university level. What our people need is not this type of free education that is being bandied about.

What we need in our tertiary institutions is investment and development in infrastructure. But because the administration does not listen to anybody except itself, it is drumming it into people’s ears that free education is achievable. Now the chips are down and the chickens have come home to roost. They are now looking for a way to reduce the number of beneficiaries and that is why admission into Imo State University, which is the only university that they have agreed to implement the free education is being controlled.

In other words, any Imo son or daughter in any other university is not good enough for free education. You must be in the Imo State University to enjoy the free education. Because they cannot control admission in these other universities except in Imo State university, that’s why they are pegging it to ridiculous 30%, can you imagine 30% admission of Imo children into their own university? I mean it’s flash point and it will create serious problem. I’m worried, everybody is worried. That’s the mother of all injustice.

On community/fourth tier government
Our position on fourth tier government has been consistent. We are oppose to it because, it is an unnecessary distraction. If you go into the law, if you read the law on this subject matter, you will wonder why anybody should sit down to think about it. Autonomous communities have always been in existence. Their town unions have also always existed. They on their own evolved their own modus operandi and also the relationship between the town unions and the traditional rulers have worked so well for communities over time. Most communities in Imo State are other than the state.

I mean before Imo state was created, these communities were functioning. They had town unions and operated smoothly and effectively. Why come now to introduce these alien ideas? Why? And the result is disharmony and unnecessary conflicts in the communities. Before ninety seventy something, when they introduced this uniform ezeship thing, most communities lived in absolute peace but as soon it was introduced, ezeship tussle now became the other of the day. If you go to the courts, ezeship tussle accounts for 70% of cases there.

Today, because of government involvement in the way communities should be run, tussle of leadership of communities and ezeship tussle now become the major social problems confronting our people. Why? Communities should be allowed to develop at their own pace. Some communities are stronger than others. Those that are weak today may be strong tomorrow but let them do so at their own pace. But to wake up one morning to introduce a uniform style of government in every community destroying the people’s culture in the process does not follow. That is taking matters too far.

On security challenges
Well I don’t want to make the mistake the incumbent governor made. He made that mistake when he politicised the issue of insecurity. Security is a very serious matter and should not be trivialised. So I’m not prepared to blame it on him. Some other people may do that but the kind of politics that I play, I will not hold him responsible for that because, the issue of kidnapping and robbery appears to be now endemic. It is something that has been existing, he didn’t introduce it. But if he rode into power with the promise that he will eradicate all these, and today we are still saddled with them, the, that is a lesson to him and other people not to promise anything they can’t deliver.

On abandoned projects
We want to advice the governor to complete people-oriented projects began by previous administration. Nobody says he cannot complete them and put down his name on them. There is no point abandoning projects because the man who started it is your enemy or from a different party, it’s wrong. And the losers at the end of it all are Imo people. Take for instance the two fly-over bridges started by the previous administration, if he starts work there today, the cost of completing the projects will be different from their cost as at two years ago when he abandoned them. Now, who bears the responsibility of the extra cost, isn’t Imo people? And that money would have been used for other better things for the people.

On sacking of council bosses
The Court of Appeal has made pronouncement on that, describing the governor’s action illegal. So, that Court of Appeal decision is still valid because, it has not been set aside. Now, the governor has purported to have sacked the chairmen because according to him, their tenure is over and the chairmen are in court. As I’m talking to you now, there is an order of court in favour of the LG chairmen.

What all this will mean is that nobody should tamper with the status quo until the matter in court is resolved one way or the other. So there is no question about conducting fresh elections. Of course, are you going to conduct election when the chairmen are still deemed to be occupying their offices? Are you going to elect people who will wait for them to now finish their tenure before you swear them in? No no! Things are not done like that.

Nigerian Youth Announce New Political Party

Nigeria’s teaming population of youth have announced the formation of a new political party, the Sovereign National Party (SNP) to contest in Nigeria’s next elections. According to a press release from the platform, the party is youth powered and determined to overthrow the ‘older cabal,’ who have ruled Nigeria since its independence.
Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation has been bereft of good governance credited with the Nation stifled development amidst much resources and potential.
The press release follows:
Sovereign National Party (SNP) is the political movement of the Nigerian masses and friends of Nigeria who are frustrated with the chronic, debilitated state of the nation.
The SNP is the result of years of mismanagement and selfish rule in Nigeria by a caucus of remnants of the colonial establishment.
These few elder Nigerians who are now popularly referred to as the “Cabal,” consist of certain names, the same names that have been heard since the so-called independence of Nigeria in 1960.
Nigerians have been suffering and smiling, hoping and praying that one day these old people will show some responsibility and not just get Nigeria out of its woes, but even steer it toward the path of advancement.
But these old leaders are only interested in usurping Nigeria’s wealth, sharing oil wells among themselves and living in fortified mansions with 24 hour generation of power, apart from the reality of the common masses.
President Jonathan and Obasanjo.
Nigerians Are Fed-up of Recycling Trash. Nigeria is now ranked the 7th most terrorized nation in the world. There is terror in the South and in the North of the federation. Insecurity threatens to take away what was left of the Nigeria spirit.
The standard of living in Nigeria is deplorable, considering the nations vast resource and potential. Great minds and talents are killed and buried in Nigeria under its vision-less leadership.
The citizens only beg for basic infrastructure: good roads and security if provided by the government, and the people are allowed to self-determine, the people will do the rest for themselves. But the lame, crippled leaders suffocate the people and force them into a handicapped existence.
Not only this, Nigeria has lost its esteemed role as giant of Africa consequent to its mismanagement crises. We have failed in our duties and obligations not only to ourselves, but West Africa, Africa and the world at large.
Abdusalam and IBB fraternize as kids
In the advent of this, Nigerians decided that they had simply had it with the rotation of leadership positions between shoots of the same crop, who were ultimately obliged to serve the interests of the cabal, being put in power by the ‘grace,’ of this cabal.
The Sovereign National Party(SNP) Movement officially commenced in January 2013 and promises to be the last stand at recovering a future for people born into what has been a failed amalgamation.Today is the day of a new cabal, the 150 million strong cabal of the common masses.
Our candidates will contest for all Nigeria’s leadership positions and we will win by Gods grace.
The SNP political platform is poised to provide a sure path for Nigeria’s large youth population to take over the government and establish self-determination, sanity, security, peace and advancement for the people of the land, once and for all.
The people have been limited to two or three choices of hopeless parties run by these old goons. But now the SNP of the people, with the people, provide ourselves the different choice and choice with a difference.
SNP is the stone for this Goliath.
Fellow Nigerians, let us come together and do this. You will make up this party, you will guide its operation, you will make it win, and you will rule your nation at last.
As you read this message, from today we have forced them to sit up. And by 2015 we will make them stand down. Sovereign National Party is a peaceful political formation for firm political overhaul.
The revolution will be at the ballot. SNP is the masses!
We the people will win. God bless you. God bless our land.
God bless you. God bless our great land.
Signed by the Sovereign National Party (SNP)


Newsbearer Magazine: REFUTAL BY T/C CHAIRMAN UKWA EAST- CHIEF UCHE AJA: My attention has been drawn to the falsehood being spread around by a faceless ABIA VOICE that I rejected a N30 m cheque given to me as U...


My attention has been drawn to the falsehood being spread around by a faceless ABIA VOICE that I rejected a N30 m cheque given to me as Ukwa East allocation and that the allocation was N130m. the  useless ABIA VOICE also accused the governor of Abia state, his son and the commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs of tampering with council funds.

1.                  I want to state that nobody in this world or in the widest dream gave me any N30 m cheque not to take of rejecting it. This is the figment of the stupid ABIA VOICE and their sponsors’ imaginations.

2.                  I am totally in control of allocations from the Federal Government to my council and I use it to develop the area, not to share it with anybody who parades as desperate godfathers.

3.                  neither the governor of Abia state, his son nor the commissioner for local Government and Chieftaincy affairs  has ever tampered with my council’s funds and indeed with any other council’s funds.

4.                  I challenge ABIA VOICE to make public their address, and their leaders if they are in existence.

5.                  I challenge ABIA VOICE to tell the public where they were between 1999 and 2007 when Abia state was colonized by one family.

6.         ABIA VOICE should thank Governor T.A. Orji for the numerous legacy projects going on in Abia and the peace and security Abians are enjoying.

7.                  ABIA VOICE should know that we now have DEMOCRACY and not MAMACRAZY in Abia state.

8.                  ABIA VOICE should desist from this futile attempt to discredit a governor whom former president Obasanjo said his legacy projects are visible and verifiable while those of his predecessor were bundles of deceits and whitewash.

9.                  I want to state again that I was never given any N30 m cheque and I did not reject any N30 m cheque.

10.               ABIA VOICE is hereby challenged to furnish the public with the details of the cheque, who gave it, which bank, when, where and date.

Chief Uche Sunday Aja
T.C. Chairman,
Ukwa East L.G.A
Abia State.

Monday 4 March 2013


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Sunday 3 March 2013

Why Orji Uzor Kalu is Desperate -Senator Emma Nwaka, chairman of Abia State chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)

What is the controversy between the Abia PDP Chapter, and the former governor of Abia state? What exactly is the problem?
Well, I do not see any controversy at all. The truth of the matter is that former governor of Abia state, Orji Uzor Kalu, is not a member of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, of which I am the state chairman. I know that he made efforts but unfortunately for him, he met the very wrong people; people who have already resigned from the party, and they said they issued a card to him. It is unfortunate because I believe they have duped him. Who knows how much he gave to them because I just noticed some desperation on his part. And it makes you wonder why any person should be desperate. I have heard people talk about freedom of association, I begin to wonder whether we understand what it is all about. It is about two people. Or more than two people agreeing to come together. It is not about somebody from outside insisting you must be my wife, I must be your boyfriend, I must come into your house. It doesn’t work that way. You have to bring an application. I was in the church this morning, Roman Catholic Church, and after normal service, and it was time for holy sacrament, they said if you were not of Roman Catholic faith you could not partake of it. It is also like that in a political party because if you even go through a section of the constitution that talks about freedom of association, you will see clearly where it talked about political parties, where it said that even INEC can use conditions. So it is not a free party, it is not something you just walk in any how. Even the PDP makes it quite clear that at the ward level, you can be rejected. So it is not an automatic thing. We have to look at your antecedent, we have to find out whether your mind is with us because you are talking about a people who have a common agenda working together to actualize it. You are coming into our house, and already you are abusing the leader of the party who is the state governor. You said the party chairman can go to blazes. You call us all sorts of names you say you want to come and take over the party. Can’t you smell trouble? So if we don’t want such a person into our party, how can anybody blame us?
It seems you don’t believe that the more the merrier?

I have told you already. He wants to come back, and from outside, he is abusing everyone of us inside. The retired Generals in the party, the elders of the party-he is abusing every person, he is abusing the leader of the party. If you want to marry a wife and her first step is already abusing your mother, your father, you have to be careful; you can’t bring such a person into your house because that is disaster foretold. So if you can stop it, why not? We have this strong feeling that his PPA is still waxing strong, and that he is a member of PPA, and that all he wants to do is come and cause confusion in PDP and while we are struggling with that, they will then use their PPA to do whatsoever they want to do. So we are very conscious of that. The day he said he joined the PDP, the man who was there welcoming him, Sam Nkire, is the National Chairman of the PPA. So if you are coming into PDP, and you have chairman of your party (PPA) welcoming you into PDP, something is wrong. Can’t you see the contradiction? Can’t you see there is something awful he has in mind? At times he says he built this house, that is the PDP, for Christ sake, if you marry a woman, if you marry somebody, and somewhere along the line you separate, even when you come back there must be conditions. You don’t just come back, and say this is my wife. If you were a wife beater, if you don’t provide for your wife, if you did not do what you are supposed to do to consummate a marriage, for Christ’s sake, you don’t just walk back and say you are taking her back. We are talking about a political party, you see, PDP is a movement not just a political party. It is a movement and if it is moving and you stand in the way, it has a way of crushing you and moving on; not like PPA where a family calls the shot. No! Everybody in PDP is somebody. Everybody’s vote counts, and we consult, we reach consensus before we do anything in PDP. So a situation where you walk away and think you can just walk in like that, I mean, it doesn’t work.

Those that registered him, were members of your party?

Yes, they were; but they resigned. They went to the local government party chairman at Bende local government, that was on the 10th of January to say they were no more with the PDP. You know, God has His own way of doing things. At times, I hear people say it is not possible that the entire executive can resign. But they don’t know anything about mystery. For instance, when Abacha was alive, we had all the political parties in Nigeria saying he was their presidential candidate. What was wrong about that? Even in Abia state here, I had the Executive members of APGA declare for PDP. I received them here, the entire executive. Are they not coming from one party to another? So, if you decide you want to leave our party, there is free entry, there is free exit, we don’t have to question you why you are going, but the important thing is that they moved, and before moving, they returned party membership registers to Chief Ihendu who is Chairman of the party at Bende, Orji is from Bende. So they returned the registers to him. In fact I had the registers here, the day I addressed a press conference, I brought out the registers because after returning the registers to him, it was brought to me, and we searched and we didn’t see his name there. So if he is carrying our card, he is an imposter, we don’t know where he got the card from. If you are not in the register, you are not a member of our party. Assuming tomorrow we want to hold primary, and you just brandish a card, and say you are of the PDP, it is like INEC register, you may have a card, but during the voting time, they have to look through the register, if your name is not there, you cannot vote. They can even arrest you to find out how you got the card.

Why do you think he wants to come back to the party?

I am not a mind reader. What we know clearly is that he still belongs to PPA. And then, for us why we say no is that he is so abusive, even from outside. Every person knows he owns a newspaper, and you can see all the columnists in there falling over themselves just to support him as if I can just walk in and say I want to be made an Editor and I will be made an editor immediately. There are rules, there are things you have to do to become a member. If I quit as editor, I cannot walk in and force myself again on the publication.

It won’t work. That is the point I am making. You are coming from outside, but you keep abusing all of us, calling us rouges, all of us are not doing well-you are the only one. And we are talking about a political party. In fact one of his writers even wrote, and called him the Chief of Abia state. I hope God will forgive him.

Now, I hear three alleged reasons why he wants to come back to the PDP. Number one is that he wants to be a Senator, number two is that he wants to install a successor to the current governor in 2015. Number three is that he is desirous of a President of Igbo extraction.

Whatever his ambitions are, as far as we are concerned, we don’t care. He said he is a wonderful politician, he floated his PPA, so he can still use that platform to achieve whatever he wants to achieve. And you know he went on to establish what he calls Njiko Igbo and then said he is apolitical. It tells you something about his character-lack of consistency, running with the hare and chasing with the dog all at the same time. It is a huge problem. We don’t want such a person in our political party. And you know, it is not just people from other local governments, even from his local governments. I don’t know whether you saw the communiqué signed by everybody who is somebody from Bende that they do not want him in PDP. Are you going to impose yourself on us? And then if he wants to be President, he can still run from his party, afterall in 2011 he wanted to go to the Senate and he ran against Senator Uche Chukwumerije who beat him fair and square. So if he wants to be president, let him come from his party, PPA. If he wants to join the PDP, he has to convince us. But that is not even thinkable anymore because it is already engraved in the minds of the people that all he is coming to do in PDP is to cause trouble, and we don’t want trouble. When he was there piloting the affairs of PDP, PDP was divided. We had the Abuja politicians, and Umuahia politicians. But today, given the nature of Governor T.A Orji, having regard for every human being. Every person in the eyes of Governor T.A Orji is somebody. He gives you your due respect, that is why we have this harmony not just in the executive branch, but also in the party because he is the leader of the party. We have a situation where for you to become somebody, even vie for party office, you don’t give money to any person and that is the truth. And we don’t take you to any shrine. Let me tell you, this is a Christian state.

Were those things happening before?

Of course. I am sure you have heard about Okija. Those things were happening. And Abians have said, enough, no more. And there is this fear that given this antecedent, if Orji Uzor Kalu comes back there is the possibility of dragging us back, to Egypt. I tell you, if we make the mistake of bringing him back to PDP those who are our members, and even non-card carrying members of the society will run away from PDP. We don’t want that. We want to build PDP.

Are they afraid of him?

They are not afraid of him. They do not want anything to do with idolatory. That is the issue. Didn’t he run, didn’t he present a candidate for governorship in 2011? So no person is afraid of him. He knows. I heard him say that he brought me into PDP but what he forgot to tell them is that I was in the Senate when he was a member of House of Representatives. So who is leading who?

He reels out what he did for Governor T.A. Orji. Why does he not reel out what T.A. Orji did for him? He should tell the public what the governor did for him as INEC’s Administrative Secretary in Enugu. He should also tell the world why the EFCC detained T.A. Orji. Where did Governor T.A. Orji go wrong with him? Where? It is simple. The man refused to hand over Abia to him. Nothing more.

Now, one of the things he said in a recent interview with a national paper is that the former President, General Obasanjo did not want the present governor of Abia state to be governor. And that Obasanjo had called him to bring his younger brother who was in the House of Representatives to be the governor?

Do you believe that? When he was governor here, he was fighting with Obasanjo on a daily basis. And recently, he told us that the reason why he is coming back to the PDP is because Obasanjo is no longer the BOT Chair. That is what I am telling you about having no respect for any person. For Christ’s sake, this man has been President, let us give him that respect, if for nothing else. Assuming he is coming into PDP, are we going to say because of him, we wont associate with Obasanjo again because he is still a member of our party, and we hold him in high esteem. I mean, a man who had been Head of State under the military, and the civilian president, there must be something about the person, so you respect the person. For you to suddenly remember he wanted you to be governor forever, or bring a goat to be governor, is not consistent with logic.

He accuses his successor of betrayal

I know that the mandate Governor T.A. Orji is exercising comes from the people. If you played a role in that, that is just what it is. He doesn’t have to beholden to you as a person, he is beholder to the people of Abia state. If betrayal means not carrying the resources of Abia state and giving it to one person, and using it to work for the people of Abia, you can see the accolades coming the way of the governor. You can see structures, iconic structures in Abia state. For the eight years Orji Uzor KAlu was governor, the only iconic structure we used for all our advertisements was the Tower built by Ogbonnaya Onu. He didn’t leave any behind. He didn’t leave anything so that if you prepare a calendar, you have to use the Tower. If you prepare anything you have to use the tower. But our problem now is which of the structures do we choose? Do we choose the modern court buildings? Do we choose the Secretariat? Under him, for good eight years, civil servants were operating from makeshifts structure. But right now, we are building those things that make a state, we are building even a Government House. I don’t know if you have gone to my governor’s parlour? This place is bigger than it, but this governor, within two years of becoming a member of the PDP see what he is doing. Infact, I am so happy that I am running a party Orji finds beautiful to be part of. Unfortunately, like my people will say, it is like you are going to somewhere but before you get to that place, you defecate on your way; you cannot be allowed in. That is what Orji Uzor Kalu has done. Because when you are coming back, you have to march on your mess? That is the issue.

And stain the house?

(Laughs). That is what we are running away from.

Now, I am surprised, you are talking about his legacies. He always talked about Housing Estates. And he always talked about Aba

Orji Kalu, the former governor. He said he built so many Housing Estates.

It is there for you to see. The Housing Commissioner is there. I thank God the Commissioner for Works is here. He will take you around. Compare what T.A Orji has done within two years of exercising power and governor under PDP. You know that is one thing about PDP. We believe in democracy. We enjoy internal democracy. Here you do not push your governor around. You know when he was with them, talking about betrayal, you got your party chairman to write a letter to a sitting governor, and publish it in newspapers, is that not humiliation. So who can you say betrayed who? And you have access to him you could easily have gone into the house….. and which is what I enjoy. You were there and saw me discussing with my governor, so why should I go to the pages of newspapers? You saw when his Commissioner for Works came in, they sat and talked like partners. Before now the Commissioner for Works won’t know where the roads are, and when the contracts are awarded for roads. He will just meet you sitting in the parlour eating with somebody, and a contractor comes in and he says ah! You go and do Gumel road, ah! Go and do this road. No design, nothing. The civil servants were not involved in what was going on. But now, we are running government the way it should be run. Civil servants doing their bit, Commissioners doing their bit, with records.

Now le me ask; if he decides to go to the new party, APC, doesn’t that pose a threat to the PDP in the state?

Talking about APC, I pity them. We are not against competition. Let them come let us compete. Not just talking about Abia state, I know that at the federal level, come 2015, PDP will retain power. You see, these people are like a house built on sandy foundation, it will soon collapse. Already, they have made it clear to us that they are not going to practice democracy in that party because already you know that Muhammed Buhari will be the presidential candidate. And then you know that Bola Tinubu will be his running mate then what is there for other people? All others will just be there to go and canonize them. When it comes to that, every person will begin to fight. So that party is not going to stand the test of time. I have forgotten who exactly, but a member of the so-called party I don’t know why I even call it party because they have not met the conditions for registration, a member of the party that may come to be said that some of them have plan B. that is exactly what I am telling you that it is going to collapse. And talking about not allowing any person to come, you know that they allowed ANPP reluctantly to be part of this proposed marriage. Buhari did not want them. Then talking of APGA, you know that our brother Rochas is just there on his own. PDP owns Imo state; we have majority of the people in the House of Assembly, don’t mind that they have to say they are APGA. At times, it is good so that you, don’t have anarchy. You know lets just continue. But whether he can bribe them into the so called mega party is another kettle of fish entirely. I don’t see him dragging them. In any case, people like Uche Ekwunife, Chris Anyanwu and the rest have said that they don’t know what he is talking about. So the thing will just collapse before it gets on. And I know that Orji Uzor Kalu would not want to be there. My advice to him is to continue with his PPA. Since he said that he is the be that all and end all in PDP, let him replicate it in PPA, and make it a strong national party. Why is he running back? Does it mean he can only build one house? Let him build another one and make it as beautiful as the other one. Particularly, he said he has all the connections, he has the resources, we are happy for him, but let him stay there and fight us, let him not come inside and start a fight. Because even in the constitution of the PDP, there are things you cannot do like criticize the party any how when we have channels. Even in a home; there is nothing strange about it, you don’t talk to your father any how. You don’t talk to your mother any how. You must talk to them respectfully. You don’t have to go and wash your dirty linen outside assuming you have any. That is the man you want us to admit into our party? No way!

I have heard some people talk about the APC and one of the Southeast governors. I have heard some people say that it is a total betrayal of the Igbo cause, a total betrayal of the symbol of APGA. The symbol of APGA, of course, we are talking about the late Ikemba.

Onyeaghala Nwannaya, you know that is their motto.

And that Ojukwu took APGA as an Igbo party, something for the kindreds. Even though some governors are of the PDP, they had the same cause, the same motive. Like in 2011, they decided that everybody would support the PDP presidential candidate that no true Igbo son should go to any other party. Now Imo state governor joining the APC, they think it is the total betrayal of the Igbo spirit. What is your opinion?

I don’t want to discuss Ojukwu and APGA or even Rochas. But I agree with you that this is a betrayal of the Igbo cause if what you want is to produce a president of Igbo extraction. Because as I told you, we already know the presidential candidate of APC is from the North, Buhari, and we know that the Vice President is coming from the South west, Bola Tinubu. Where does that leave the Igboman? No where! This our party, PDP belongs to Ndigbo.

Jonathan is Ijaw, but he is Igbo. He has shown it in different ways. Come back to look at it, look at the important positions we are holding under the PDP, Chief of Army Staff, until recently, Comptroller-General of Immigration, the Finance Minister, Secretary to the Government of the Federation, the Stock Exchange, you have AMCON, aviation Health, Stock Exchange, Due Process, Debt Management Office, DMO. Jonathan gave Ojukwu a state burial, a burial fit for a president. Before 2015, we’ll get the second Niger Bridge. He completed the Onitsha Dry Port. And still counting. The APC cannot give it to you. Whether it is Codein or APC. I don’t know, but they cannot give it to you. If they have stopped using codeine to cure malaria and all that, I don’t know why they are prescribing APC to us, APC is outdated also (laughter). We are moving forward not APC. PDP is the place to be for Igbo, for Nigeria. This is the longest period we have had democracy in Nigeria and that is under PDP. Occasionally, we have our misunderstanding, conflict is part of life. The important thing is your ability to overcome. PDP will overcome, it will overcome APC.

You continually said that the governor has been a PDP governor for just two years. But the argument has been that he has been a governor for six years.

You see when he was governor for first term, he was under PPA. And you know what it is like when your platform is privately owned. You will expect that most things will be done to feather the nest of the owners. But here in PDP, as I told you, it is like a PLC. Every person has an interest here. And then again, you are dealing with a man who, for the four years he was governor under the platform of the PPA, was always feeling so bad that he was not given a free hand to really deliver the dividends of democracy to Ndi Abia. So now that he is here, one thing we have all guaranteed him is peace of mind. And no person tells him to bring government resources so that a few will just sit down and share. We know that what will carry us to 2015, and give us victory, are the legacies he is leaving behind. And he is leaving so many of them. For him to have done in two years more than he did under PPA tells a lot of story. And just imagine he has two more years to go. I leave it to you to imagine what Abia will become by 2015. whether it is APC or Codeine or whatever, no party can take Abia away from the PDP. No party.

Culled from The Source


Your Excellency, Utu Agbaa Igwe, Dike Ogu, Dike Eji aga Mba, the uncommon liberator, Icon of Democracy, Pride of Abia, OCHENDO Abia, from our hearts; we bring you greetings of goodwill. We have left our various local governments and our very many businesses to show our support to you and your team of seasoned administrator.
Today, we have come to assure you that, we are very much aware of your very many efforts at uplifting the living standards of Abians. We have come to appreciate you for taking the bull by the horns. We have come to tell you we know how much you have fought to ensure that Abians take back its position as truly the first. If we keep quiet, it may mean that we are ungrateful.
We know how challenging the business of development could be. We know what it means to have the courage to initiate and complete legacy projects. We are aware of how small the resources you are working with. We know that the successes you have recorded so far are mostly as a result of your being a prudent manager of men and materials. We salute you and ask God to honor you with greater wisdom.
People who do the unusual are always challenged by evil forces. We know that there are many forces fighting you unjustly. Do not be discouraged. God will fight your battle for you. You have us to fight with. We have pledged to commit the very last drop of our blood in helping you to build an Abia generations yet unborn would be proud of. The enemy battles in vain. We encourage you never to look back. No amount of distraction or confusion will set you back. God is with you.
Today, we pledge our unflinching support to you and your administration. We pledge to show greater commitment in working for you and the good of Abia. You will always have our support. Let it be on record that we appreciate all you have done for Abia State in terms of Foundation projects that were hitherto abandoned and thought were impossible. Thank you for causing us to have a breathe of fresh air in Abia State. The same thing you did in Abia Central, you have also done in almost all the three Senatorial Zones. Ndi Abia South are celebrating your ingenuity in engaging in the massive construction of roads in Aba. Ndi Abia North are also obsessed. We salute your wisdom and hail your doggedness. Thank you for spreading development.
We are proud of you. We are proud of your efforts and approach to good governance. This visit is to further convince you that we are celebrating you and have no room as party faithfuls to welcome a huge failure in the person of Orji Uzor Kalu. We do not need a soothsayer to tell us that you have brought good tidings and uncommon development to Abia people which the likes of OUK denied Abians and are in turn trying to truncate.
We do not want him. We don not want to identify with a cog in the wheel of our progress as a people. We do not want to go back to idolatry. May God richly bless you.
We will continue to pray for you, your family and indeed all those you are working with to take Abia to the next level.
Long Live the Icon of Democracy
Long Live the People’s Governor
Long Live Abia State
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Thanks and God bless.

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